I feel as though I am falling short as I begin to try and properly describe this woman.
Selfless. Perseverant. Joyful. Intentional. Present. Goofy. Long-suffering. Gracious. Set apart.
In my almost 15 years of knowing Theresa, I have seen these characteristic traits and more. She is contagious to be around. Her relationship with Jesus is deep, convicting, and inspiring.
If I stop for too long and reflect deeply on my gratitude for her, it’ll bring me to tears. I am forever changed because of this woman and so is every person she has ever interacted with.
I am honored to call her my friend, adopted mom, adopted sister, and adopted grandma to my boys. Though 1200 miles has already begun to change some of the relationships that I cherished, I know that won’t be the case with us.
Happy Birthday, Theresa!! I hope you feel as loved as you are. Curtis will be in trouble if I don’t hear otherwise. ;-P
