It is wonderful to walk into the house that you are photographing and just start talking to the people that hired you like you were just hanging out yesterday, but it had actually been three years since you'd seen them. That's what it's like to work with Josh and Dusty Blasko. This couple is SO fun, so easy to get along with, and a riot to banter with. Come down memory lane with me...
Josh, Dusty, and I go way back. Back to before I photographed their wedding in 2013. Back to when I did Josh's cousin, Katie's wedding on my birthday on August 1, 2009. Just for you, Josh, I included one of the very first photos I took of you there. You're welcome. ;)

After Joe and Katie's wedding in 2009, I started getting hired by other family member's of Joe and Katie. I think it was partly because of this epic family photo that I took there. I was picking on the people who weren't paying attention and saying all sorts of goofy things to keep everyone's attention. I guess they all appreciated my sarcasm. I loved this family!

Four years later, almost to the day, I had the pleasure of doing Josh and Dusty's blast of a backyard wedding on July 27, 2013. The rain didn't stop any of us from having fun. Once again, I did that giant family photo, only with 45 people instead of 40.
Fast forward five and a half years to January of 2019 and we are doing their family photos. Mind you, this was in Buffalo, NY. It was cold, but we wanted to do photos in front of my freshly white painted barn before heading inside for photos in our kitchen in front of one of our wood walls. Photographing a family of seven in that small of an area is no small feat. Wait till you see the last photo. It's hilarious.
Are you a fan of this couple yet? ;) I know I was. In fact, we got together a handful of times while we only lived a few minutes away from each other before I moved to Orlando, FL. They came for our family Halloween party with Katie, their cousin whose wedding I did. We went over there to swim a couple times. Yes, I like many of my clients that much.
Ok, NOW I'm gonna do a little testifying here. This past September, I reached out to a handful of my old clients in Buffalo, including Dusty and said that I would be in town the next month for Fall photos. Within minutes of my text message, Dusty responded with,
"I would definitely be interested! We sadly have not done pictures since you left. I can't find anyone I trust with them...Also, if you need more bookings, I do have a project that I need to photograph for my social media and team pictures I need to do also. I would totally book that to fill up any time slots you might have open."
When we talked on the phone a handful of days later, I learned that only an hour before I had sent that initial text message, Dusty was in a staff meeting and had told them that she needed updated photos for their website. That, my friends, is how God loves to work.
On the phone Dusty said to me, "You’ve always made me be able to relax and you’ve always been able to get my natural side...I am that awkward person that does not know what to do with myself...And if you don’t have that connection (with the photographer), it’s hard."
Wow, what an unexpected compliment! I was sure glad I was taking notes about the potential job or I would have not been able catch those sweet words from her. A couple weeks later, I was walking into the house to photograph the three rooms they along with their talented staff and painting partners, Chameleon Coatings restored. While I was there, I also did staff photos for both companies.
It was an absolute pleasure working with Josh and Dusty again. It was comforting for me to work with and photograph people that have known me for fifteen years. These are things you don't think about until you move 1200 miles away.
After only seeing the first one hundred photos, Dusty said to me, "Oh my goodness, I am in love with the photos!! I am only into the first link and can't wait to see the rest, thank you so much ... You my dear are amazing!"
After seeing all of them, I received another email from Dusty that including these encouraging words, "I cannot thank you enough for these photos and how you captured the true beauty of the kitchen and the personalities of our crew (I even love my photos!)...I look forward to Spring-Summer of next year for the HUGE house we are doing in the city."
Yes, God willing, I will be returning to Buffalo, NY to photograph an entire house for them once they are done working their magic on an old house in the city. What an honor! They aren't the only company planning to hire me for work in the Spring/Summer. I am grateful for God's provisions through my photography again. He is at work, as I often share on my personal blog,
Josh and Dusty are a hard working, talented, devoted, down to earth, and trustworthy couple. Their vision for the rooms I photographed was incredible. The amount of rearranging they did to make them look as stunning as it is, is a true gift. Their website, which Dusty designed and manages, is full of more of their beautiful work (click on photo below to check it out!)
Thanks for spending time reflecting on the past fifteen years of photographing this wonderful couple with me! :) Now, for the photos! Enjoy viewing candids, the owners of the home, Rust Belt Restoration staff, some of the Chameleon Coating staff, owners, Josh and Dusty along with an amazing kitchen with three different colored cabinets, a bathroom with custom Buffalo wallpaper, and another bathroom with the most beautiful light fixtures. And that's just one of the MANY cool things for each room. Oh wait, I have to mention the brass floor vents, too! I'm in love! Phew! That was a mouth full! ;)
If you're interested in a session, go to my contact page, and let's chat! :)