I was mesmerized. We went to visit a plantation house for a field trip in Pendleton, SC for Liam and I couldn't stop looking at this tree! It was just magnificent. Come to find out, it was a southern magnolia tree! Can you IMAGINE what this looks like in full bloom??? ššš I REALLY want to see that, so both Liam and I climbed into this tree and found huge pods that we guessed were the centers to the flowers...and we brought them home with us! š
I know, I know it's a tree designed to be in the south, but a girl can dream and try can't she? What do you think? Think I can get one of the 15 pods to survive in this Buffalo climate? ššš
A. You're crazy and completely wasting your time. B. If peach trees can survive in this cold climate, so can southern magnolia trees! C. I have my doubts, but I commend you for dreaming and trying.